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Yâ Rabbî! I repent for all the wrong belifs and blasphemies that I have held and committed as a result of being misled by enemies of Islam and people of bid’at and for all the heretical and sinful things that I have uttered, listened to, seen and heard from the very day I reached puberty until this moment; I am sorry for them and I am determined, firmly resolved and quite purposeful never to commit those wrong beliefs and acts. The first Prophet is ’Âdam ‘’alaihis-salâm’, and the last one is our beloved Prophet, Muhammad ‘’alaihis-salâm’. I believe these two Prophets and also all the other Prophets that came between the two. All of them are rightful and faithful. Their teachings are true. “Âmentu billâh wa bi-mâ jâa min ’indillâh, ’alâ murâdillâh, wa âmantu bi-Rasûlillâh, âmantu billâhi wa Melâikatihi wa Kutubihi wa Rusulihi wa-lyawmil âkhiri wa bilqadari khayrihi wa sherrihi minallâhi ta’âlâ wa-l-ba’thu ba’dalmawti haqqun eshhadu an lâilâha il-l-Allah wa eshhad anna Muhammadan ’abduhu wa Rasûluh.”

Prayer for tejdîd-i-îmân: “Allâhumma innî urîdu ujeddid-al îmâna wa-n-nikâha tejdîdan bi-qawli lâ ilâha il-l-Allah Muhammadun Rasûlullah.”

Whenever Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ put on new clothes he would say this prayer: “Al-hamdu lillâhilledhî kesânî mâ ûriya bihi ’awratî.” [Sayyid ’Abd-ul-Hakîm Efendi ‘rahmatullâhi ’alaih’, Mujaddid of the fourteenth hijrî (hegiral) century, would make the following statements in his preaches in the various mosques in Istanbul, in his lectures in the Madrasa-t-ul-mutekhassisîn and in the high school at Vefâ and in his special sohbats: “Wear clean and new clothes! Wear such clothes as will make you look like a person of position and esteem! Wear clothes and consume food and sherbets that are halâl as often and as much as necessary! Wherever you go, exhibit Islam’s dignity and value with your behaviour and speech, and inspire respect and interest with your attire! Eating a variety of delicious food and drinking sweet and cool beverages, satisfy and entertain your body and nafs.” These counsels on the part of ’Abd-ul-Hakîm Efendi are written in detail in the book entitled Hadîqat-un-nediyya and written by Muhammad bin Suleymân Baghdâdî ‘rahimahullâhu ta’âlâ’. The book, in Arabic, was offset by Hakîkat Kitâbevi in Istanbul in 1397 [1977 A.D.].]