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Things that nullify namâz are called mufsids. Some mufsids of namâz:

  1. To talk. Even one word nullifies namâz.
  2. Without a good excuse, coughing through the throat nullifies namâz.
  3. To say prayers in namâz that do not exist in âyats or hadîths nullifies namâz.
  4. To moan or to say “Ouch!” etc. nullifies namâz.
  5. To say, “Ugh!” in order to express annoyance nullifies namâz.
  6. Crying for reasons such as a pain or sorrow nullifies namâz.
  7. It nullifies namâz to say “Yerhamukallah” to a person who sneezes and says, “Al-hamdulillâh. ”
  8. To say, “Innâ lillâh wa. . . ,” upon hearing bad news nullifies namâz.
  9. To say “Jalla Jalâluh” and “Sallallâhu alaihi wa sallam,” upon hearing the names of Allahu ta’âlâ and the Prophet ‘sallallâhu alaihi wa sallam’ nullifies namâz.
  10. To say “Âmîn” for a prayer said by anyone but the imâm nullifies namâz.
  11. To change your place or to make room for a newcomer with someone else’s warning nullifies namâz. But your moving of your own will a little some time later does not nullify it.
  12. Even if a little, or by forgetting, eating or drinking by placing something in the mouth nullifies namâz.
  13. To say the prayers by reading and learning them from the Qur’ân al-kerîm or from some other paper nullifies namâz.
  14. Extra movements that are not parts of namâz nullify namâz.
  15. To stand and to make the sajda at a najs place nullifies namâz.
  16. If your awrat parts remain open long enough for you to say “Subhân-Allâh” three times in one rukn, if the amount of najâsat prescribed to nullify namâz exist on your skin and clothes, if you make namâz ahead of the imâm, and if you are in the same line with a woman [who has been following the same imâm], your namâz becomes nullified.
  17. To perform namâz on something which you have spread over a najs place but which lets colour, odor and moisture through nullifies namâz.
  18. Turning your chest away from the qibla without a good excuse breaks namâz immediately.
  19. When a woman is kissed or held lustfully, her namâz becomes nullified.
  20. If a person omits one rukn and does not perform it during the namâz, his namâz becomes nullified.
  21. If a person does not perform again the rukn that he performed while sleeping, his namâz becomes nullified.
  22. If during the takbîrs in namâz a person prolongs the first hamza (A) when saying “Allahu,” his namâz becomes nullified.
  23. If saying the âyats melodiously changes the meaning, it nullifies namâz, too.
  24. An incorrect recitation nullifies namâz.