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  1. It is mekrûh to lock the doors of a mosque. It is not mekrûh if there is a danger of thieves.
  2. It is permissible to walk through a mosque sometimes. But it is mekrûh to make it your regular route. It is not mekrûh if there is a good reason to do so.
  3. It is mekrûh to bring najasât into a mosque. A person who has najâsat on his person cannot enter a mosque.
  4. It is mekrûh to plaster a mosque with mortar or mud made with najs water.
  5. It is harâm to let mad people or small children who will bring najâsat into a mosque enter the mosque. It is mekrûh if there is no danger of najâsat.
  6. It is tahrîmî mekrûh to set up markets, to talk loudly, to make speeches, to quarrel, to take up arms, and to punish others in a mosque.
  7. It is mekrûh to enter a mosque with na’ls, i. e. shoes worn outdoors.
  8. It is harâm to importune (for money) in a mosque.
  9. It is fard-i kifâya for people without an excuse to listen to the Qur’ân al-kerîm. It is sinful to begin reading the Qur’ân al-kerîm loudly in a place where people are working, sleeping, performing namâz or if there is someone preaching.
  10. It is mekrûh to eat something or to sleep in a mosque. A musâfir is exempted from this. When entering a mosque, a musâfir must intend for I’tikâf and perform the namâz of tahiyyatulmasjîd first. Thereafter he can eat and talk about worldly matters.
  11. Making a contract for buying and selling in a mosque is mekrûh. Yet it is mustahab to establish a contract for a nikâh.
  12. It is tahrîmî mekrûh to busy with worldly conversations instead of worshipping in a mosque.
  13. It is mekrûh to reserve a certain place for yourself in a mosque.