Advice of Scholars - THINGS TO BE OBSERVED
Hadrat Muhammad Ma’sûm says in the 14th letter of the first volume of his Maktûbât:
O my lucky, fortunate brother! Since you have been desiring to walk on the way of Allah’s beloved slaves, you should observe the conditions and adabs of the way! First of all, it is necessary to hold fast to the Sunnat-i saniyya and avoid bid’ats. For, these two are the essence of the way that makes one attain Allah’s love. You should adapt your deeds, words and moral qualities to the words and books of those pious slaves who know and love Islam. You should be like the pious slaves and love them. Your sleeping, your eating, your talking should be temperate rather than excessive. You should strive to get up by the time of sahar [at the end of each night before imsâk]. You should know it as a great chance to say istighfâr, to weep, to beg Allâhu ta’âlâ at such times. You should long to keep company with the pious. Do not forget the saying: “One’s faith is like one’s friend’s faith!” Be it known that those who want the next world [endless bliss] should not be fond of mundane flavours.
If you cannot cease from those flavours which are mubâh (permitted), avoid, at least, the forbidden and dubious ones so that your salvation in the Hereafter may be hoped for.
You should pay zakât and fitra willingly to the people prescribed by the Sharî’at. You should visit your relatives, or please their hearts by writing to them. You should observe the rights of your neighbours. You should be charitable to the poor, to those who want to borrow money. You should not spend your property, your money on anything prohibited by the Sharî’at, nor should you waste it on anything permitted. When these are well cared for, your property will be protected against harm, and what is worldly will be for the Hereafter. And maybe they will no longer be called worldly.