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The British applied the twenty-one-article destruction plan, which they had prepared in order to annihilate Islam, to the two great Islamic Empires, Indian and Ottoman. They established heretical Islamic groups, such as Wahhabi, Qâdiyânî, Teblîğh-i-jamâ’at, and Jamâ’ati-Islamiyya, in India. Then the British army easily invaded India and destroyed the entire Islamic State. They imprisoned the Sultan and butchered his two sons. Extremely valuable articles and the choicest treasures that had been preserved throughout centuries were plundered and shipped to London. They stole the precious stones, such as diamonds, emeralds and rubies, ornamenting the walls of the mausoleum called Taj-mahal, which the Indian Sultan Shâh-i-Jihân had built in 1041 [C. E. 1631] over the grave of his wife Erjumend Beghum in Aghra, plastering their places on the walls with mud. Today these plasters shout out the British savagery to the whole world. And the British are still spending this stolen wealth for the annihilation of Islam. As is expressed by an Islamic poet, “If the cruel have oppression, the oppressed have Allah with them,” the divine justice rose and they had their deserts in the Second World War. Fearing that the Germans might invade Britain, most of the wealthy British clergymen, households of Statesmen and ministers, and tens of thousands of enemies of Islam boarded ships and were on their way to America, when the magnetic mines released from the two German warships of Graf von Spee and two similar ships caught and sank their ships. They all drowned in the Atlantic Ocean. After the war, upon a decision taken by the center of United Nations Human Rights in New York, they receded from their colonies all over the world. They lost most of their sources of income which the Ministry of the Commonwealth had been exploiting for centuries. They were confined to the island called Great Britain. Food and consumer goods were rationed. I remember the Chief of Turkish General Staff, General Salih Omurtak, saying at a dinner party in 1948, “In London, an official guest as I was, I always left the meal table without being fully fed. In Italy, on my way back, I fed myself up by eating plenty of spaghetti.” This I am quoting because I was seated opposite the general at the dinner table and I heard exactly what he said. His words are still echoing in my ears.