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MU’ÎNIDDÎN-I CHESHTÎ ‘rahmatullâhi ’alaih’

He is one of the great awliya raised in India. He is the master of Khaja Qutbuddin-i Bakhtiyâr. Enlightened by Khaja Othman-i Hârûnî in Baghdad, he served him until his death in 617 [1220 C.E.] He tells the sohbat (preaching) of his Master in his work “Anîs-ul-arwâh”. The book is of 36 pages written in Persian language. Khaja Othman-i Hârûnî is a disciple of Khwaja Sherif-i Zandanî, who is a disciple of Mawdûd-i Cheshtî. Mu’îniddîn-i Cheshtî was born in 531 and passed away in Ajmer in 633 [1235 C.E.]. Chisht is a town one hour from Hirât. Imâm-i Rabbânî Ahmad-i Fârûqî “quddisa sirruh” had gone to Ajmer city in the year 1033 A.H. He visited the grave of Mu’îniddîn-i Cheshtî there. He declared, “Hadrat Kwaja pitied [on us]. He lavished upon us. He feted from his special barakât. We spoke a lot. The asrâr [secrets] were opened. He told me ‘Do not strive in order not stay in the army! Follow the consent of Allâhu ta'âlâ’.” The tomb keepers came and presented the cover used on the grave. He accepted and advised, “Hadrat Kwaja granted his closest cloth to us. Let’s keep this for being my shroud.” He was shrouded with this cloth after one year.

Khwâja Mu’îniddîn-i Cheshtî, one of the great men of Tasawwuf, was told by his master: “The darling’s path is very subtle and dangerous. Advise everybody and inform them of the danger!”