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MAZHAR-I-JÂN-I-JÂNÂN ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih’

Shams-ud-dîn Habîbullah Mazhar-i-Jân-i-Jânân ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih’ (1111 [1698] - 1195 [1781], Delhi, India) was a great Walî and an important link in the chain of Awliyâ termed Silsila-i-aliyya. He was the educater and master of Sayyid Abdullah Dahlawî.


Muhammad Ma’sûm-al-Fârûqî (rahimah-Allâhu ta’âlâ) wrote in the 140th letter of the second volume of his Maktûbât: 

“A hadîth qudsî declares, ‘One who bears enmity to one of My awliyâ’ will have fought against Me. Among the things that bring My servant close to Me, the ones I love best are the things that I have made fard. When My servant does the supererogatory (nâfilâ) ’ibâdât, he gets very close to Me so much so that I love him very much. When I love him, I become his hearing ear, seeing eye, holding hand and walking foot. I give him whatever he wishes. When he invokes Me for help, I rescue him at once.’ According to this hadîth qudsî, among the things that make man attain the blessing of qurb, what Allâhu ta’âlâ loves best is the ’ibâdât that are fard. [It is fard, too, to refrain from harâms. In fact, it is the most important fard.] The qurb proceeding from the fards is more perfect and more bounteous. But for fards to cause qurb and progress requires their being in a’mâl-i muqarribîn. And this, in its turn, requires doing the supererogatory ’ibâdât on the way of tasawwuf. As the salât requires an ablution first, so the fards to cause qurb requires making progress on the way of tasawwuf first. Unless the heart and the soul are purified [by doing the duties prescribed by rehbers, the experts of tasawwuf], one cannot attain the qurb of the fards and so the honour of being a walî.”