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Question: How can that statement ever be made about the ‘Mujaddid’?

For, Hadrat Îsâ (Jesus) ‘’alâ nebiyyinâ wa ’alaihissalât-u-wa-s-salâm’ shall descend from heaven with the mission of a mujaddid. Another great person who will appear as a mujaddid is Hadrat Mehdî (or Mahdî) ‘’alaihi-r-ridwân’. Can these persons ever be imagined to be receiving the fayz they are to broadcast from someone else? Answer: Being a means for fayz can be the case only in the second one of the aforesaid two paths. In the first path, i.e. in the path termed qurb-i-nubuwwat, fayz and hidâyat do not come through a means. A person who makes progress in this path gains spiritual height without the means and curtains in between. Being a means or a curtain is the case only in the path termed qurb-iwilâyat. The two paths should not be mistaken for each other. Hadrat Îsâ ‘’alâ nebiyyinâ wa ’alaihis-salât-u-wa-s-salâm’ and Hadrat Mehdî ‘’alaihi-r-ridwân’ will attain through the path of nubuwwa(t). Also the Shaikhayn, i.e. Hadrat Abû Bakr and Hadrat ’Umar ‘radiy-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’anhumâ’ attained through the path of nubuwwa. They are under the protection of Rasûlullah ‘’alaihi wa ’alâ âlihi-s-salât-u-wa-s-salâm’. So high is their honour.